Saturday, February 13, 2010

Couponing...lesson 1

So I started this blog as an effort for people to be able to help others buy things like these...

shopping and CG 052

shopping and CG 054

for very little cash after we are all done!

Ok, so to start.. the question is where do you get your coupons?

Coupons can be found a ton of diffent places. They come in the paper, in magazines, in many packages, and tons of online sites. In the paper there are typically 2 inserts weekly. Red Plum (RP) and Super Saver(SS) about once a month there is a Proctor and Gamble Brand Saver (PG). I have also started a subscription to All You magazine that is filled with great coupons. You can order online and get 2 free trial issues here

You can also get coupons from Ebay or other various internet sites. I havent done this yet, but am sure I will at some point in time especially for the all important diaper coupons!! You dont pay for the coupon itself, but for the sellers time to clip and mail them to you. This is especially good for high dollar coupons that you want to buy multiples of.

Here is some of the coupon "lingo"

$1/1, $1/2, etc. = One dollar off one item, one dollar off two items, etc.
2/$1, 3/$2, etc. = Two items for one dollar, three items for two dollars, etc.
BOGO = Buy one item get one item free
B2GO = Buy two items get one item free
Cat = Catalina coupon, prints from a separate machine when your receipt prints
CRT = Cash register tape, usually used when referring to CVS coupons that print with receipt
ECBs = ExtraCare Bucks, CVS loyalty rewards system
ESRs = EasySaver Rebates, Walgreens monthly rebates program
FAR = Free after rebate
IPQ = Internet printable coupon
IVC = Instant Value Coupon, Walgreens’ store coupons found in ads and ESR booklet
MFR = Manufacturer
MIR = Mail-in rebate
OYNO = On your next order
OOP = Out of pocket
Peelie = Peel-off coupon found on product packaging
PSA = Prices starting at
RRs = Register Rewards, Walgreens’ Catalina coupons
UPC = Universal Product Code, bar code on a product
WYB = When you buy

I know this is confusing and seems overwhelming, but I promise...if I can do it, you can. I wont say that it isnt time is. For me right now (and remember I am still a newbie) I spend about 3 hours a week with my coupons. It takes me a while to figure out what I want and matching and printing still, but it keeps my hands busy while I am watching tv so it doesnt really bother me.

So now you know how to get them, and what they are called. Next up...How to organize your coupons!

Happy Clipping


Sara February 14, 2010 at 7:56 PM   1

a few questions:

1. what, else
2. do you buy multiple copies of the newspapers
3. do you buy an Indi Star newspaper, with different coupons
4. do sign up for any time of website advertising coupons

amy February 14, 2010 at 8:08 PM   2 are on the ball Sara!!
are a few of my most frequently used

I havent started buying multiple papers yet, but I am planning on it, plus I get my moms inserts :-)

Never thought of the Indy Star. That is a great idea actually.

Yes, I sign up for tons of stuff, but I have a seperate email addy that I use to fill out coupons from various websites. I also use this for other things like contests, surveys ect. if you use roboform it will fill in those anoying forms with one click. I just use the trial version for free :-) This way I check it once a day and it doesnt clutter my inbox with spam.

Do you just want me to bring my lists ect on Thursday???

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