Friday, April 9, 2010


Do ya all like Aldis? I am so super excited because there is a new one that opened up down the road from us! Yay!

Now Aldis doesnt take coupons, so there wont be any matchups for those... but for all those things that you dont have Q's for, head on over to Aldis. They have their own brands and offer a 200% money back guarentee that you will like their store brand. I have been shopping there for a while now and find that as long as you are buying thier brand and not a regular brand that is also sold there, you can save a TON of money!

There are a couple of tricks to know before you head on out....

-they dont take coupons.
-you have to bring your own bags
-you need to make sure you have a quarter handy to grab a cart (you will get it back when you return the cart
-you cant use credit cards or checks. It is cash or debit cards only please!

It is kind of a pain I know, but this is some of the ways that Aldis keeps their overhead down and therefore their prices low.

Try it....and let me know what ya think!


Mandee April 10, 2010 at 8:39 AM   2

Thanks for stopping by my blog

I am following you now too! :)

Have a great weekend!

Cher April 10, 2010 at 10:04 AM   3

That is too funny, I just came back and noticed your tag line! Great minds think a like!

Cher April 10, 2010 at 10:06 AM   4

Oh and I love Aldi's by the way. I go there once a week and stock up on essentials. I don't know why more people don't shop there, I think they just have a bad stigma for being dirty, cheap, and generic (some words I have heard about them). I like the Aldi commercials they have now because they show that Aldi is nice and I like how they say they only have 1 type of ketchup and so forth!

TheSmellyArmpit April 10, 2010 at 8:02 PM   5

I live in a town without Aldi's now and miss it sooo much! I could do so much shopping in just 30 minutes because of they usually just have one brand to choose from for each item. AND IT'S SUCH GOOD DEALS! :)

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