Friday, April 9, 2010

Its a Party!!

Woo Hoo.. What better way to celebrate a new look than to have a party??? Its a blog party and they are giving away a SERIOUS list of prizes...I would love to have 7, 15, 19 or any of the other prizes...I just never win ANYTHING! So head on over to 5 minutes for and join dont have to be a blogger, you can just discover some great new blogs to read and win some cool prizes in the process!

So when you are having a real life do you save money?

While virtual parties are so much fun, real life parties can be expensive and stressful. Having large amounts of company, finding decorations, party favors and planning food can all be difficult on a budget. But there are a few ways in which you can save some of your hard earned cash....

Your first thought in party planning should be "what do I already have?" By putting an new twist on things that you already have, you can save tons of money. For instance, All those little trinkets that they have for various holidays arent always holiday specific. I have seen Strawberry shortcake for valentines day for example. They go on half price...or 75 percent off is better and you snatch them up. What about all the superbowl party stuff that is on mega clearance after the big game? Do you have a sports fan in your house? By reusing these items you can cut a huge chunk of money and add some more time to your busy life

Next, look at decorations. Can you think of some that are easily made? We went to a party for my daughter that was a mermaid theme. The creative mom used blue saran wrap on the windows and large pictures cut out to make a great focal point in their kitchen...for pennies!

For food and cakes you want to match up to your store sales as much as you can. The internet is your friend on this one. You can google and find thousands of appetizers or meal ideas to match up with what ever main ingredient you have on hand. Make what you can from scratch as well. Cakes can be done this same way. When we had my son's army party I googled and found a very simple but very cool looking tank to make out of cake and oreos ....Yummy!

Finally, make a list and stick to it. This will help eliminate your stress of having the party itself. Make a list of what you would like to accomplish and divide it out over a period of weeks. By not leaving everything to the last minute you will save yourself time and money!


Maria and Michelle April 9, 2010 at 8:03 PM   2

I wish I could get better at using coupons. Hopefully your blog will help!

Come by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you get the chance.


Unknown April 9, 2010 at 8:15 PM   3

Hi from another frugal blogger! Stopping by from the UBP today. Love your site

Cher April 9, 2010 at 10:33 PM   4

Great tips, now following you!

Saying Hi from the Ultimate Blog Party!
Visit my party post
I also have a whole bunch of giveaways going on if you wanted to check them out!
My Current Giveaways

Kasie April 10, 2010 at 2:09 AM   5

Great Blog! Im a money saving mom!! Name Kasie! I really love the layout of your blog! I'm new to this still working on my blog as well as my website! small but mine! Hope to get to know you better!! Feel free to take a peek at mine and also I have a LIa Sophia Jewlery valued at $118.00!!

Following from UBp also became a fan on twitter and fb!

tiarastantrums April 10, 2010 at 3:29 AM   6

OR you can do what I did - forget the parties all together - hee hee- too much stress!! Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog for the UBP

Confessions Of A Homeschooler April 10, 2010 at 1:39 PM   8

Hi Amy! Just visiting from the UBP10 Party! Don't feel bad, I never win anything either LOL! Love your blog!

Nancy April 10, 2010 at 9:29 PM   11

Howdy, stoppin in for the UBP party - love the colors of your blog! Been ridin' the blog range all day stoppin' and visitin' all the nice blogs. Hope you can visit the ranch - coffee is always hot and the door is always open!

Jenn April 10, 2010 at 10:17 PM   12

Thanks for the party tips!!
Hope you are having fun at the BLOG PARTY!

Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

Shannon April 10, 2010 at 10:25 PM   13

Thanks for visiting! Your site is very neat...glad we stumbled across each other. Definitely can use all the money saving tips I can get! Have a great weekend!

Jen @ One Moms World April 11, 2010 at 12:24 AM   16

Thank you so much for stopping by my UBP! I so love your blog design... very stylish. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts. Have a great weekend.

Mimi N April 11, 2010 at 1:28 AM   17

First of all, that header is ADORABLE!!! Seriously! Nice timing to show it off. I also loved your ideas for saving $ for parties!! I will have to check out some grad stuff for next year after the "season" is done this year. I could also grab Super Bowl stuff (next year) for one of my boys bday parties!

Mimi @ Woven by Words

Liz Mays April 11, 2010 at 1:16 PM   18

I don't know if I could survive anything without lists! I love your party ideas. So glad you stopped by and I'm following back!

Unknown April 11, 2010 at 3:32 PM   19

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! Your layout is sooo cute! Hope you have a great party week! =)

Lovin' Life on Less April 11, 2010 at 4:28 PM   20

Hey there! I'm stopping by from UBP! Your site is really nice. I joined your network blog. I only had 3 members too so I just had to support you :-)


Carma Sez April 11, 2010 at 7:04 PM   21

I try to avoid giving parties--- I probably shouldn't be so blatantly honest I know :D

Thanks for visiting my place! Party on...

Anonymous,  April 11, 2010 at 8:55 PM   22

Hi! Stopping by from the ubp10, I <3 your site, it's full of so much great info! I will definitly be following!

Christine April 11, 2010 at 11:39 PM   24

Hey, stopping by for the party! I’m already following you but I hope you;ll come over and follow me too! Love the new look!

Chele April 12, 2010 at 3:01 PM   26

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog at the Bona Fide Life! Great tips there! I'll be following along! :)

Mommy's Life Makeover April 14, 2010 at 4:02 PM   30

Stopping by from the UBP! I'm addicted to saving money and using coupons, so I'm totally following you!

Feel free to stop by my blog:

CB April 14, 2010 at 10:14 PM   31

stopping by from UBP10 - I love saving money any way I can, so I am now following you. Hope you can stop by my blog when you have a moment!

MidgetMomma April 15, 2010 at 2:59 AM   32

Hello! Im another frugal/saving money coupon using blogger too! Love your design!

Lauren @

Faith and Family Reviews April 16, 2010 at 2:11 AM   33

I am missing the snacks for this virtual party! Forgot to make myself a little treat while I blog hopped, oh well, it's too late to eat anyways.

Nice to meet you via the UBP and you happen to be the last blog on my list for tonight before I shut down my laptop.

Enjoy the last day of the party!


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