Saturday, June 12, 2010

Price Points

I was thinking that I probably needed to touch on the topic of price points for ya'll

Price points is how you decide if a deal is a great one or not. You see, as much as I love you all, I want to not only give you the deals, I want to teach you how to find them yourselves. One important thing to learn is price points.

When I first started couponing, I would buy all the sales if the price was under a dollar because I needed to buy my stockpile and I was saving SO much compared to my previous shopping trips. Now I very rarely buy drug store items unless they are FREE since I have quite the stockpile. I base it on what I see as a great price.

The best way to develop an idea of what price points should be would be to track prices for a few months. Some people keep a notebook and record what prices certain things are at. I am honestly not that organized, so I have a running list in my head (that is a scary thought let me tell ya)

So here are some of the things that I have as a base for my price on items that I stock up on

Chicken: $3.99 a bag or under
Ground beef: 1.49 a pound or less
Pork shoulder: $0.85 a pound
Pork Loin $1.60 a pound

Toothpaste: less than 25 cents- free
Body wash: free
Razors: free

Cereal: under a dollar
Yogurt: under 20 cents a container
prepackaged snacks: under 50 cents
bread: $0.79 cents
Milk: 1.49 (Aldis has the best price routinely)

Hope this gives you an idea of where to start as you develop your own price points :-)


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