Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I totally HEART my newspaper delivery person

I got a great call tonight. My newspaper carrier called me and wondered why on earth I would want to have 5 papers delivered. hehehe. She wondered if it was for a obituary or some other keepsake. So when I told her that I was looking only for the coupons she told me to cancel my order. She says she has plenty of extra papers that are left over every week and she will just swing by my house early monday mornings and drop off a bunch of them to me FOR FREE!!! I of course told her I would take what ever she had to give so who knows how many papers I may be getting come monday morning?!?

So although I cant cut and sort coupons now until Monday am, I am willing to trade that for free coupons!!!

I am so excited!


Erin March 11, 2010 at 10:20 PM   1

that is wonderful! i called the paper to subscribe for 4 papers, and they were going to charge me $20.00 a month!! i know i save that much and more with my coupons now, but i decided to wait and see if i really need all those papers... i have a couple people that are giving me their coupons, so that helps...

amy March 11, 2010 at 11:26 PM   2

Are you local? There is no way it should have ran you 20 dollars a month. That is crazy!! If you find out that your papers aren't enough let me know. You could try and call your newspaper carrier and just ask her what she recommends to get extra inserts. She may have some laying extra as well. You dont know till you ask!

Erin March 12, 2010 at 1:50 PM   3

yup, here in the fort! i know, i was shocked too... i think the total was around 18.50, ended up being 1.15/paper... for that price, i would rather spend the extra .60 per paper IF i found super super coupons and go out and buy a few!! i have to find out who my paper carrier is and ask her what she might be able to do. :) thank you for the suggestion.

P.S. love your posts, i look forward to seeing what new deals you've found!!!

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